Mike Beaumont

You Gotta Live In The Moment

Yesterday, 5:12 pm
Posted by mtbeau1955

Would a Second Chance Allow
You To Live In The Moment?

 photo Livethemoment_zpsdcc16cd5.jpgIf you believe in second chances, and having an opportunity to live
in the moment, there is a new show coming out that is going to give
people the chance to do just that.  “The Moment”,  hosted by Kurt
Warner, will surely tickle your fancy. It will give a few select individuals
that chance to relive that time in their lives when they, for whatever
reason or cir**stance, missed their chance to live in the moment.  

The Moment A Bag Boy Became Gridiron Champ

  Kurt Warner, the host for The Moment, almost missed his opportunity.
He was actually working as a bag boy to help make ends meet when his
chance came up. He went on to have a great career, despite the fact that
he came out of obscurity, led his teams to several Super Bowl berths,
suffered injuries, and still came back to take his team, (the Cardinals)
to the Super Bowl. In 2001, Kurt and his wife Brenda established the First
Things First Foundation, and are also directly involved in the CHEER
program for **s and children with special needs.  

Sailing Into The Moment… I Mean Sunset

For Robert Capita, sailing was practically a way of life. He got his sea
legs at a very early age, being taught by his father how to sail when just
a young boy. But his dream of going to the Olympics was shattered when
(in 1980) the US boycotted the Olympics that were held in Russia that year.

 photo TheMoment_zps23c3bb1a.jpgCoupled with this disappointment was the fact that
his father strongly urged him to work with and take over the family business.
But his chance to live in the moment has brought some doubts of
its own, as Robert struggles with the thoughts of being away from his
son and wife to pursue his dream.  

Capturing The Moment For All Time On Film

Sometimes life plays cruel tricks on us and throws us a real curve.
For Tracie Mar**, it came at an early age when her mom p**ed away,
and the fear that she would lose her father if she didn’t please him, forced
her to abandon the dream of being a professional photographer. Now she
will have the chance to prove to herself and her father that she has what
it takes. With some good coaching, she will have the opportunity to capture
the moment for all time when she snaps that shutter.  

The Moment Speed Racer Hits The Track

For racecar driver Kyle Shields, the moment his sponsor pulled out and
left him in Mexico with a 30,000-dollar debt was a huge shock. It was
even bewildering because Kyle was actually doing pretty well on the circuit.

The whole experience left Kyle questioning everything he was doing.
So he packed it all in, devoted his time to his family, and paid off his
debt. But Kyle still longed for the moment to be in a pro racecar and
compete with the big boys.  

Have You Missed The Moment In Your Life

 photo themomentcats_zpsa8010d0f.jpgLike the stories above, many of us have had that one chance;
the moment when we just know that would have made a huge
difference in our lives.   

PS… Your Moment Isn’t Lost, It’s Right Here

PPS… Don’t Let Others Steal Your Dreams, Take A Chance And Live For The Moment

the moment(1), kurt warner(1), football(10), race car(1), photography(3)

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