Shane Toulmin

Cancer - Can Lycopene And Ateronon Prevent It

Apr 5th 2013, 2:01 am
Posted by hielvin59
Many have read about it, and many haven't; the natural compound lycopene. the little compound is getting lots of interest from experts regardless of if you are aware of lycopene or not. The health boosting substance lycopene is a pigment and phytonutrient (substances obtained from vegetation) It is regarded as among the most potent antioxidants available, it is more than 50 times more potent than vitamin E Despite their colourings, raspberries nor red currants contain no lycopene. Tests have proven that lycopene is a strong antioxidant which may provide further wonderful benefits for the human body. Antioxidants restrict the reaction of oxidation which results in the production of harmful free radicals. Free radicals might damage DNA which consequently damages cells and tissues, this leads on to in the worst case cancer, at best premature wrinkles. Free radicals have been linked with cancer , type two diabetes, weak immune system and also quicker aging. In order to acquire the most benefits of the carotenoid lycopene and also any other compounds obtained from various fruits, lots of men and women are making use of Ateronon, by bioengineering company Cambridge Theranostics Ltd,, a supplement high in lycopene. These lycopene rich supplements have been shown to decrease any oxidation of ldl cholesterol which decreases the chances of having a heart attack as well as having a stroke. It's known that individuals that routinely consume enough tomatoes or other lycopene rich fruits enjoy a more than 50% lower chance of dying from cancer than individuals that do not routinely eat food full of lycopene. **ysis indicates that this compound suppress the development of lung, stomach cancer, and prostate cancer. Lycopene builds up a lot more inside the testicles compared to anywhere else and this may boost the fertility in infertile men. Those who ate more lycopene studies have shown had an improved chance of having kids. Lycopene rich fruits and Ateronon in addition have age reversing benefits for the skin. Who wouldn't want those benefits?

tomato pill(1), cancer(6)

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