Mike Beaumont

My World Connect… Just Another Social Media Site???

Mar 30th 2013, 7:57 pm
Posted by mtbeau1955

Is My World Connect Just Another Social Media Site Or Is It Something Different

My World Connect is the new kid on the block, and it seems like

every time we turn around the gods of the elder Facebook are

changing things up on us.

Not that change is bad, but I think they

are going the same route as Google when it comes to being

business friendly. Maybe it't time WE made a change. Take

My World Connect dot com, it is very user friendly, has tons

of features, and is very easy to post just about anything you

want on, making it a virtual one-stop shop so to speak.

 photo 2013-03-30_16-08-51_zps21f03eba.jpg

What Can My World Connect Offer You

My World Connect allows you to download music, upload

videos, post links, blogs, poetry, and build your own chat

rooms, beautify and customize your profile page, and many,

many more options to numerous to list here. In my opinion,

it just takes social media to a whole new level.  

Can You Promote On My World Connect … Yes

To build a link exchange with My World Connect and your

business site, just follow the guidance in this video I did

that goes through the steps.

Once the links are connected,

My World Connect will only charge $30.00 a month to promote

the banner of your choice while at the same time building their

presence by having their banner on your site. Social media will

never be the same once this site takes hold.

So Step Up To My World Connect For A Pleasant Change

So if you’re getting tired of the “F” word social media site,

give My World Connect (www.myworldconnect.com) a try.

It’s free, it’s fun, and it will surely impress you with all the

features it has.

Go Crazy With Free Ads On My World Connect

If you are promoting any kind of business, My World Connect

also links to 4FreeAds, which you can place and promote

unlimited ads in unlimited countries and categories. With all

the ads you can place in My World Connect, you may get tired

of writing ads, and copywriting can be mentally draining trying

to come up with original ads.

PS… So if you are promoting anything,

why not give My World Connect a try…

And check THIS out for all your copywriting activities

PPS… Watch this quick little demo on a FREE software

that will have you creating ads as fast as you can click the mouse to post all over My World Connect…

my world connect(1), social media(14), link exchange(2), advertising(12), blog(13), blogging(11)

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