
North Face Outlet

Sep 25th 2011, 1:24 am
Posted by miljiai

niversal is contained in the particular, not merely in posse, but in acta; that it is not created by the understanding, but communicated to it; and that the nature of things is determined in particular or Ugg Boots Clearance universal by a higher or absolute principle. In Psychology he opposed the belief that the faculties of the soul are distinct. The object of Philosophy was, in his opinion, to become cognizant of the nature of things, or what is. Although human philosophy teaches the sufficiency of reason, and that supernatural disclosuresare superfluous, the theologian regards a certain supernatural revelation as necessary, because man can never attain to certain truth by inspecting effects: secondary causes, whether ideas or sensations. The object of theology is God, an infinite Being, and the first principle of all things. Yet he is not to be regarded in the light of his infinity, bnt of his divinity, the latter idea being more perfect than the former, because God cannot be conceived apart from infinity, though infinity can be Cheap Ugg Boots conceived without God. Be attributed indeterminate freedom to God, and hence regarded the subjective will of God as the principle of morality. Sometimes he expressed doubts as ts the possibility of a rational


theology. Duns Scotia was the founder of a school, the Scutistt, who distinguished themselves for subtlety of disputation, and for incessant disputes with the Thomists. These disputes were so frequently Moncler Outlet mixed up with human passions that science derived from tbem little benefit; and it very frequently happened that the pointi in question, instead of being elucidated, were obscured through their controversies" (Tennemann, Manual History of Philosophy, § 268). Sec Scholastic. As to the will, Duns Scotus maintained its freedom, without any determinism. In fact, "the leading distinction between the Thomist and the Statist ptychology respects the relation of thinking and willing, which, although they are found united, Knitter, in the soul, are really (formaliter) distinct, as well from each other as from the soul Ugg Boots Outlet (Op. Oxon. ii, d. 16). The determinism of Thomas, according to which the will necessarily chooses what the thought presents to it as the best, Duns combats most emphatically. Not onlr that the will has the power to determine itself entirely alone (ibid. d. 25), and, under


certain circumstances, to act against the reason (Disput. subtil. 9 and 16). but, in decided opposition to Uggs Clearance Thomas, it may be said thai in very many cases the reason is determined by the will, e. g. when I will to think. It is most judicious to distinguish two different modes of thinking—the first, which precedes the will; the second, which follows it; but even the former does not determine the will, for voluntas est superior intellectu (Op. Oxon. ii. i 42, qu. 4). With Duns the will is entirely identical with liberum arbitrium; what it does is contingent ei evitable, while the intellect obeys necessity (Op. Oxon. ii, d. 25). The function of the latter is to furnish ts the will the material which it combines, the possibility being North Face Outlet given to it of willing entire opposite; (Of. Oxon. i, dist. 39)" (Erdmann, translated by Starboek, Amer. Presb. Review, April, 1865, p. 299).On the Theology of Scotus, we take the following from Erdmann's article just cited; "The peculiarities of Dnns's psychology, as well as his deviations therein from Thomas, reflect themselves in the manner in which he views the essence of God and the destiny of man, and, therefore, in his theology and ethics. As to his theology: since the existence of God might be known without supernatural illumination, there is. therefore, ex puris naturalibus, a knowledge of the


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