ome increase of labor in the year ensuing. See AgricclTure. To sit on a dung-heap was a sign of the Ugg Boots Clearance deepest dejection (1 Sam. ii, 8; Psa. cxiii, 7; Lam. iv, 5; comp. Job ii, 8, Sept. and Vulg.). We are informed by Plutarch (He Superstitione) that the Syrians were affected with a particular disease characterized by violent pains of the bones, ulcerations over the whole body, swelling of the feet and abdomen, and waiting of the liver. This malady was in general referred to the anger of the gods, but was supposed to be more especially inflicted by the Syrian goddess on those who had eaten some kinds of fish deemed sacred to her (Menandcr apud Porphyr.). In order to appease the offended divinity, the persons affected by this disorder were taught by the priests to put on sackcloth, or old tattered garments, Discount Ugg Boots and to sit on a dunghill; or to roll themselves naked in the dirt as a sign of humiliation and contrition for their offence (Persius, Sat. v; Martial, Epigr. iv, 4). This will remind the reader of Job's conduct under his affliction, and that of other persons mentioned in Scripture as rolling themselves in the dust, etc. See Dust. Dungal, a writer of the 9th century, of whose origin and history little is known, bat
who is supposed to have been of Scotch or Irish birth. According to Irish accounts, he was abbot of Glendolough, and after the destruction of his monastery by the Danes he fled te France. He calls himself Uggs Clearance "a recluse," and the Hist. Litt. de. la France (iv, 493) notes him as a monk of the abbey of St. Denis, in France. Muratori, however (Rer. Hal. iv, 611), describes him as a monk of Pavia, in Italy. He wrote against the reforming movements of Claudius of Turin (q. v.), in 827, Retpmsa contra perversas Claudii Taurinensis Episcopi t tias, in which he defends the invocation of saints, t adoration of relics, etc., but seeks to guard these t from superstitious abuse. The book was first published by Papirius Masson Moncler (Paris, 1608), and may be found in Hibliotheca Max. Patrum (Lyons), xiv, 1?S233; also in Migne, Patrologia Latino, torn. 103. Ha was also celebrated as an astronomer.—Moore, History of Ireland; Wetzer u.Welte, Kirchen-Lexiton, iii, 333; Schrockh, Kirchengcschichte, xxiii, 414.Dungeon 0"ia, bar, Gen. xl, 15; xii, 14, etc., a pit, as often rendered; fully "liar? rPS, house of the pit, Exod. xii, 29; Jer. xxxvii, 16), is properly distinguished from the ordinary prison (!<1>3 or X32 r**a, also !TJ3?3 or
liJB'a) as being more severe, and usually consisting of a deep cell or cistern (Jer. xxxviii, 6; hence the Christian Louboutin Sale propriety of the Heb. word which indicates a hole), like the Roman inner prison (r) icn^ripa (puXaici), Acts xvi, 24). Incarceration, a punishment so common in Egypt (Gen. xxxix, 20 sq.; xl, 3 sq.; xii, 10; xlii, 19), was also in use among the later Israelites (comp. Ezra vii, 26). But it is nowhere mentioned in the law, perhaps because among a people, every man of whom was a landed proprietor, it waa easily dispensed with, a fine being always easy to inflict; partly, too, because it seemed improper to take cultivators of the earth from their land for any length of time. (Other reasons are suggested by Michaelis, Mos. Recty, v, 45 sq.) Arrest is mentioned, indeed (Lev. xxiv, 12), but not as a punishment. The guilty was simply kept in ward to await sentence (comp. 2 Chron. xviii,"26; Wachsmuth, Ugg Boots Sale Hellen. A tterth. II, i, 186). So it was a legal principle in Rome that a prison was to be used only to keep men, not to punish them. Under the later kings imprisonment was used as a penalty, yet, as it seems, not by judicial sentence, but at the will of the sovereign, especially in the case of too plain-spoken prophets (2