A Few Tips Toward Self Empowerment

Yesterday, 1:58 pm
Posted by mykirom

1.Choose your words on purpose.

 Speaking only what you mean, do not try to sugarcoat, yet speak with diplomacy. Do not compromise your integrity. Do not use your words to intentionally hurt others. Use the power of your words in the direction of truth and love & refrain from harsh tones, gossip and judgment. While you may not be aware, most people throw themselves out of alignment by a simple response of unintended negative words. In reality you are speaking how you feel, however, the point is to respond in the manner in which you desire to feel. So you respond with words that create your reality at that moment. If your not feeling well, you reply by saying I am feeling great. When your in the midst of others and they begin to gossip, remove yourself from the conversation and simply say no comment as opposed to speaking ill of others.

 2. It’s not about you.

 What others do is not because of you, but because of themselves. It is their projection of their reality. Don’t allow your emotions to make their issue part of your problem. Of course, you are not to stay around long enough to allow the issue to affect your life either as people will do to you as much as you allow them to. Train yourself to become immune to the opinions and actions of others. This will prevent you from feeling like the victim. Take all things with a grain of salt. If that opinion does not line up with how you’re truly feeling at the moment, tune it out, and walk away if you have to. But walk away with love and knowing that you’re being true to what you feel is right for “your” reality

 3. Don’t make **umptions.

Build up the courage and ask questions when you’re unsure about something. Do not let fear stop you from expressing what you really want and more importantly, do not compromise away from what you really want. Be mindful to communicate with others clearly and effectively to avoid arguments and misunderstandings. This act alone can create great results for the better of all involved

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