Kelly Spurlock

Psychics cant answer it all

Jan 16th 2013, 10:52 pm

People that know my gifts sometimes ask me questions that I could not possibly answer at all and I’m not trying to be a jerk but come on lol.

If I knew every answer in life it wouldn’t be so hard to reach the m**es that truly need help.

Im told to see it and it will happen; Heres what I see or I guess my visions of what I want to do

Help all those who need help pointing to possible paths that God has laid out for them. (gallery readings, talk shows, schools etc)To go on paranormal hunts here and faraway places as a helper to those who are trying to truly lead them to the light or hear their messages. To provide for my children and make them proud.

Thats it folks and that may seem simple and not of any consequence to any one else but its my vision and what I want to do and what I truly think I am here for……

Love and light

Kelly Spurlock

6th sense world(6), 6th sense world radio(3), answers(1), enlightened(2), gifted(2), guardian angels(2)

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