
Angel Medium

Today, 10:29 pm
Posted by 6thsenseworld

Hi, I AM Christia. I Am An Artist, Healer, Teacher. I AM An Angel Medium. I AM a bridge from Angelic Realm to this 3D Physical Realm. I AM here to create images from that Angelic Spirit Realm to inspire YOU to know your Spiritual Truth and True Nature.
I AM bringing forth messages of wisdom through the heart for others that are ready to hear, see, and feel.
I AM available for Angel Heart Reiki Readings and sessions. During the sessions I use Reiki, prayer, crystals, and sound healing with the crystal singing bowls.
I AM available for private in home Angel Heart Circles, gather your friends and receive a healing, reading and have your homes energy cleared and uplifted at the same time! ♥
Radio Show Host of the Angel Power Hour Tuesday's at 2pm est listen in and even call in and see What the Angels Have for YOU

angel medium(1), angel messages(1), art(4), christia **mings(1), crystal bowls(1), energy(3)

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