Garfield Kreck

digital billboard signs

Dec 23rd 2012, 2:57 am
The field of outdoor digital signage is really a quagmire of obstacles and hurdles but it's a small wonder that so many people are still prepared to negotiate the challenges and attempt a digital outdoor campaign. The reason behind this is perhaps due the many advantages that using display screens for outdoor advertising offers. The benefits compared to regular outdoor advertising as well as indoor digital signage, are multiple and can include: * The opportunity to play multiple advertisements on a single digital screen * Content can be uploaded remotely with no technician visiting the site * More engaging and eye-catching than standard print media * Larger audiences will view a backyard screen compared with an inside one The challenges, however, still have to be overcome and they too are plenty of. Location and the Law Perhaps the first challenge to face a backyard digital signage installer may be the law, and in particular where where not really a sign can be installed. Increasingly, local authorities are limiting, and in some counties even prohibiting completely, the use of digital billboards, citing potential danger to road users and aesthetics as the major reason. So before any outdoor campaign can start you need to make sure the local authorities will grant such an install. Sunlight Another key challenge in using an outdoor screen is the sun. Sunlight has two effects around the readability of a screen. If it is too bright the screen will be washed out because the LCD or plasma struggles to compete with the sun's brightness. It has to become countered having a high brightness device or he screen itself needs to be shrouded in the sun. The 2nd problem brought on by the sun is sun-glare where the sun reflects of the screen creating a glare that can result in the screen unreadable so some kind of anti-glare screen cover has to be used (even though this can affect the brightness from the screen). Weather and temperature Another major challenge for outdoor screens is protecting it from the weather. Rain is perhaps the most common weather element however the screen needs to be protected from all types of weather and temperatures to ensure that the screen is working in optimum conditions all the time. digital billboard signs Physical Protection Physical impacts are another challenge four outdoor screens. Whether it is deliberate or accidental, damage can easily occur if the screen isn't adequately protected. An LCD enclosure can protect a screen all these challenges allowing just about any type of screen to be used within an outdoor location as a digital billboard.

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