Distance of Proxima Centauri
How many distance of Proxima Centauri from on sun. We are doing solve this question from last some weeks. So it is not big matter about distance between sun and Proxima Centauri. if you keeps knowledge on Balance of Universe.
Balance of Universe.
What is the balance of Universe, That universe is being spend with balance. not suddenly. which objects is burning in the Universe. their have not high speed. they are moving very slowly at own axis, with most big balance of stars. the universe showed always static us. although the universe is in moving continuous. and other big reason. that all stars are moving with same speed together. or you are in the car which speed is hundred kilometer per hours. and is one more other car which speed is also hundred kilometers per hours. the other car will show like a stopping condition. because both`s speeds are same. nearly same like this, our galaxy`s stars are moving in same speeds around the centre of galaxy. It was the balance of universe. although many balance are working in our universe. but each balance have own limit.
Balance`s limit.
when any objects`s limit is finished of balance. that they objects are finished in universe. or our earth which distance code is 21.78, when sun will have been more smallest from today. then will be moved the earth code of distance.
Code of distance.
the distance code is 21.78 to the whole universe. it is very easy to the understand. A Earth which diameter is ‘‘R’’ / 21.78 = distance of earth from sun. or Earth diameter is 38158.56 km / 21.78 = 1752 distance in light seconds. to the days 1752 / 4.8 = 365 days of earth. or Jupiter diameter is 453459.6 km / 21.78 = 20820 / 4.8 = 4337.5 days of Jupiter. very soon we shall solve the distance of Proxima Centauri through this code and some with other law. which will be right and perfect. because we shall solve with volume or diameter or thickness. I cannot believe on light speed to the measure. because they can move anywhere suddenly. but diameter suddenly can be not less. or you cannot say with prove. which star you are looking through telescope. that star light is being in your telescope.