We pretend to be living in another world. There is a chance it may be wrecking your life.
Let's look at the signs and symptoms from it
Not falling asleep promptly. It's something many do later rather than earlier. We just continue playing and don't get our heads down. Sleeping patterns can evolve so we don't feel like sleeping. Getting out of bed won't be easy the following day. Gaming requires a lot of focus. It's normal to then feel fatigued the following morning.
Replaying games. You always have an aspect of gaming on your mind. Perhaps when out for a walk. May be on vacation. Even if out cycling. Nevertheless the person is imagining playing the sport they love.
Life takes a back seat. You only care about being able to game in your time off. Our relationships break down. People don't do any exercise. Showering turn into increasingly rare.
Playing too much. More and more time is dedicated to gaming. They might even deny how long they've been playing. All of their time is on the games console
Anxiety. You can find easily annoyed if you gaming poorly. You have to love playing the game. Possess a period off when you notice your mood being effected.
Oliver loved Starcraft II. He didn't play all too often as he began. But soon work gave him time off. Sessions began to get longer and longer. He went to bed later and then. Thinking about gaming became his only thoughts. Speaking to his family took a backseat. He rarely went into work. All this just to be gaming. Within six months everything had changed. He rarely saw friends. Work had given him the sack also.
Playing can be very exciting. It's also worth millions of dollars. But people may become obsessed. Be aware of the problems we looked at above. Make sure you know when you'll end gaming by. This helps to help keep you safe. Play Safe.
Brian liked playing Starcraft. He didn't play too often as he began. However he then had a few days off work. Immediately he was playing for extended periods. He began going to bed later and later. He couldn't take his mind off Starcraft Strategy. Friends hadn't seen him in weeks. He began not going into work. All this just to be gaming. Within 6 months everything had changed. He rarely saw friends. His employers had had enough by then.
You should remember not to exaggerate it with regards to gaming. Lots of people game absolutely fine without no problems what so ever, but if you are among those individuals who really do get obsessed and addicted, then seek help from your support. Your support can include people like your family, friends, teachers and if it gets really bad then your local doctors clinic.
Remember, gaming is for fun, if it gets control your lifetime then maybe it is not the right thing for you to do.
Good luck enjoy yourself with it.