Ronald Bollinger

Affiliate Money Making

Oct 1st 2012, 6:03 pm
Posted by pops50

Affiliate Money Making

You always hear about making money online , and many different ways to do just that ! One of the most popular ways of doing so is Affiliate Marketing ! That is where you sell other peoples products and receive commissions from  the sale. The way you find these products is to go to a place like Click Bank, they are one of the most popular affiliate suppliers on the net. They list 1000's of products in various niches in which you can choose and become affiliated with. All you have to do is join Click Bank , log in and go to the Market Place. There you can do a search for whatever product you want to promote, let's say you search for making money online . You will have 100's of different products come up , you can choose how you want them to be shown , by popularity, gravity ,lowest price, highest price , etc. . The one you really want to look at is the Gravity , that is percentage of sold products . The higher or bigger the number the better , Click Bank will list them from the highest to the lowest.
 Any ways when you find a products you would like to promote or become and affiliate of , you need to click on the promote **on. Then a window will pop up and all you have to do is click on the create **on and it will generate a URL with your Click Bank code in it. So when someone buys something through your link you will be credited and paid for that sale. You could build an entire site of affiliate links or you can do one at a time .
 Many people will get a free website and make it a affiliate site and just post several affiliate links on it , to try and generate an income.I have found a place that is giving away free websites right now!

When you go to this site and register you are able to tell them what you want your site to be about and they will build it for you free of charge, it is normally close to a couple of thousand dollars to build this site which is given to you.
If you would like to see a site built by them go to this     URL
This site was built for me and at first didn't get very many visitors, but over the past few weeks I have had 100's of people comment on my site, I receive about 70 comments a day. Most of which are compliments of my site and others are people wanting help or advice.
I really hope this has been some what of a help to you and your endeavors !  I also wish you the very best luck !

affiliate(4), making money online(2), making money(7), affiliate links(1), clickbank(5)

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jen11 GREAT!!!
Oct 2nd 2012, 12:30 pm
abasuoni nice
Oct 2nd 2012, 12:30 pm

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