Sikander aqeel


Sep 15th 2012, 11:20 am
Posted by aqeelsika1


One orbit happens around each planet. which will be called the ratio of m**. If the m** is in small size. then his last orbit would be near than the large m**. Such as Plutonium last electron is 94 micro cm away from his m**. because the Plutonium m** is 19.14 percent large from his last electrons. or moon is 144 second away from earth. and moon is 12.16 percent small from earth. 



Moon of Mercury. 

Although no any moon around the Mercury. but to do calculation is also not sin. So the last electron or last moon of planet is belongs with size of his central m**. and m** value is total days around his sun. and all planets are electron of sun. which are doing rotation around the sun. 




Mercury days are 86.25, and 45 is one angle of 360 degree. and .625 is a value of heat or energy of 45 angle, therefore 45 + .625 = 45.625, and 18 are total angle of one round circle. 



By maths Mercury. 

Mercury days are 86.25 / 45.625 = 1.890410959 x 18 = 34.02 seconds are distance for last moon of Mercury. So Mercury have not moon. but if there happens moon of mercury. then there distance would have 34.02 light seconds. Now for days of moon of Mercury. 34.02 / 4.8 Neutron energy = 7.08 days, total rotation of moon around the Mercury. 




Plutonium M**-Unit 244, and 45 is one angle of 360 degree. and 18 are total angle of one round circle. 




Plutonium m** unit is 244 / 45th angle = 5.422222222 x 18 = 97.6 - 3.6 Cross-Pton = 94 atomic number of Plutonium. and 94 electron are around the Plutonium-244. 




Plutonium m** unit is 244 / 30th angle = 8.133333333 x 18 = 146.4 + 3.6 Cross-Pton = 150 Neutron of Plutonium. and 94 electron are around the Plutonium-244.


Sun, PLanet, Moon. 

Now we have three objects Sun, PLanet, Moon. Therefore Sun = M** unit, Planet = Cross-Pton, and Moon = Electrons. Now since atom is very small thing. from this reason Cross-Pton would be into the m** unit, and electrons out from the m**-unit. So three elements are into the Radio-active atom the Neutron, Proton and Cross-Pton. because it is a advance atomic theory. 

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