Sikander aqeel

Central Diameter of Milky-way

Sep 12th 2012, 11:31 am
Posted by aqeelsika1

Central Diameter operating system. 

The Central Diameter is a name of process. and operating system is process of galaxy. we shall solve many question from which. Central Diameter meaning inner divide of galaxy. such as we have divided in ten circle of the two graphs in upward picture. or Central Diameter meaning that ten more inner diameter. and which do the more divide in ten inner parts of the radius. therefore name is Central Diameter its. 



and it is a informative system, about size of central galaxy and total number of stars into the galaxy. Although It is some hard, but you will understand. So two graphs are here in upward the picture. 



the five inch is radius of one, and second five centimeters radius. Although these both will be called the 100 percent diameter. because both are complete round. But what is the diffirence in between of both. that it is a important point. 



Photograph of Stars for small diameter. 

Now we have ten pictures of stars for small diameter. which radius size is five centimeters. and size is half centimeter per star. now we have five centimeters radius value of small graph. therefore 5 / .5 = 10 parts of radius of small graph. If the star size is half or .5 centimeters. So the radius will always only be divided in ten parts. 




Photograph of Star for large diameter. 

Now we have twenty pictures of stars for large diameter. which radius size is five inch. and size is half centimeter per star. now we have five inch value of large graph. therefore 5 / .5 = 10 parts of radius of large graph. If the star size is half or .5 centimeters. So the radius will always only be divided in ten parts. therefore stars would be twenty. because the gap is very among two diameter into the large graph than the small graph.

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