Sikander aqeel


Aug 15th 2012, 1:51 am
Posted by aqeelsika1


Jump of Francium-223 Into the Radon-222, 

Only concept of invention’’ For create a new metals. or for make gold, I am doing explain of jump law of neutron. when a neutron and proton jumps in other metal. that they law will be called the metal jumper law  




200 is a mass unit of mercury. and 120 are neutron of mercury. and if we less two neutron and one proton from into mercury. then becomes acceptable atomic value of gold. So the two metals can be shifted into the gold. the Mercury and Platinum. 




In this chapter we shall make a chain of Isotopes throughout, with the maths. and we shall understand about system of nature. So from first of all we shall find out a maths, which` belongs with jump law. 




(1) Question mass unit. (2) first basic jump law is 30. (3) second jump law is 30.00000000. (4) answer mass unit. So through the question mass unit we shall make the next mass unit. 




Question mass unit is Mercury-200 

then Mercury-200 x 18 universal angle = 3600 / 30.45685279 = 118.2 neutron - 0.2 Cross-tron = 118 + 79 basic proton = 197 answer mass unit of Gold-197. and it was a jumper law of metals. from which we made a Gold-197 



So the 30 was a basic value of angle of 360 degree. and .45685279 was a magnetic temperature. which two neutron was separated from Mercury-200 for Gold-197. 



So the time value of 360 degree is 12 hours. or 12 hours only a day of 360 degree. and total days are 30 into the 360 degree. or if 360 days are a month. then total days are 30. So 360 / 12 = 30. and it 30 is completely jump law by one circle. and this jump law is doing work into the atom. and this jumper law is for both elements the Neutron and Proton. 


About code of Jump. 

Now we have 30.40358744 Code of Francium-223. and we shall Minus more -0.2684523 figures of process. So 30.40358744 -0.2684523 = 30.13513514 is a Code of Radon-222! to do complete of Neutron      



Jump of Francium-223 Into the Radon-222!

Question mass unit is Francium-223. 

then Francium-223 x 18 universal angle = 4014 / Code 30.13513514 = 133.2 neutron + 2.8 Cross-pton = 136 neutron + 86 basic proton = 222 answer mass unit of Radon-222! and it was a jumper law of metals. from which we made a Radon-222! 



So the 30th angle was a basic value of 360 degree. and -0.2684523 was a magnetic temperature. from which zero neutron was separated from Francium-223. for make Radon-222! So we are seeing here 30th basic value of angle. because the balance is set up between Radon-222! and Francium-223 and time value is -0.2684523 of photons. which was used for drive of Radon-222!



So it was successful jump of Francium-223 into the Radon-222! from difference of zero Neutron. So as a atom jumps into other atom. that their own basic 30th angle always remains set up at own place. and it is a proof, that particle occurs not perishable into the universe. that they change only own book of face. or a hydrogen is only a atom. and Radon is a 222th shape of hydrogen. 



Triangle Atomic Theory. 

we shall make many new matels, through the jumper law. but for make new metals in practical. that you will have to think some more atomic theories. like a Micro atomic theory, Colour atomic theory, Temperature atomic theory. Magnetic atomic theory. and Square Atomic theory. and after all these atomic theories. each woman cooked the gold into own kitchen.   



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