Jump of Radium-226 Into the Francium-223,
Only concept of invention, It is very important, because when a Neutron jumps from own mass unit, then occurs rise a Isotopes. But when a proton jumps from own mass unit, that occurs rise a new metals. or other metal.
The proton a charged element into the atom. which mostly occure below the neutron layer. but mostly its charge circulate at the surface. and from this reason, the proton charge works at the 45 angle of degree. So the proton jumper law is 45.
Jumper Law of Proton.
So 45 or 45 angle is a basic jumper law of metals. and occurs two part of jumper law. like only 45 is firse, and 45.00000000 is a second. because the first law solves itself. like a 238 x 18 = 4284 / 45 = 95.2 - 3.2 cross-pton = 92 proton of Uranium. and second jumper law for make new metals.
Reason of Jumper Law.
When time was completed of melt condition of earth. then earth started cool down slowly. and metals one after one rose up in the earth. to which we shall say. that a period to be gather of proton charge. or you melt two metals into the one bowl. like a Platinum and aluminium.
then platinum will take long time for dry than the aluminium. because platinum proton are 78, and which charge is 78 x 28.8 = 2246.4. and aluminium total charge is 374.4. So for to be cool down of aluminum will spent some time. because 374.4 charge quickly gather into the one atom
Law of Jumper
(1) Question mass unit. (2) first basic jump law is 45. (3) second jump law is 45.00000000. (4) answer mass unit. So through the question mass unit we shall develop the next mass unit.
By Maths the Gold-197.
Question mass unit of Mercury-200
then Mercury-200 x 18 universal angle = 3600 / 45.68527919 = 78.8 Proton + 0.2 Cross-tron = 79 + 118 basic Neutron = 197 answer mass unit of Gold-179. and it was a jumper law of metals. from which we made a Gold-179.
So the 45 was a basic value of angle of 360 degree. and .68527919 was a magnetic temperature. which a proton was separated from Mercury-200 for Gold-179.
So the time value of 360 degree is 12 hours. or 12 hours only a day of 360 degree. and total days are 30 into the 360 degree. or if 360 days are a month. then total days are 30. So 360 / 12 = 30. and it 30 is completely jump law by one circle. and this jump law is doing work into the atom. and this jumper law is for both elements the Neutron and Proton.
About code of Jump.
Now we have already 45.19911504 Code of Radium-226 and we shall add more +0.40626613 figures of process. So 45.19911504 + 0.40626613 = 45.60538117, and it 45.60538117 is a Code of Francium-223.
Question mass unit of Radium-226.
then Radium-226 x 18 universal angle = 4068 / Code 45.60538117 = 89.2 Proton - 2.2 Cross-pton = 87 proton + 136 basic Neutron = 223 answer mass unit of Francium-223. and it was a jumper law of metals. from which we drived a Francium-223.
So the 45 was a basic value of angle of 360 degree. and +0.40626613 is a process figures of proton was separated from Radium-226. for drive of Francium-223
So we shall say here, it was a successful down jump of Radium-226 into the Francium-223. and one Proton has less from in Radium-226 with two Neutron.