i wanted to write this blog to anyone for whom wishes to tricvk or fool me into falling for lies spread by scammers and dillusional individuals.
I've been surfing the web regularly since 2001 and so, so very many people I've conversed with have attempted to trick me into thinking they are what they actually are not. I just want those for whom may try this with me - IT WILL NOT WORK !!!
I don't trust anyone completely for whom I can not or have not met in person. Even then, I don't trust many people for whom I actually HAVE met in person. Fra too many people in this world want more in life than they themselves are willing to provide. This is a very unbalanced world, filled with far too much unneccessary pain and suffering. It just doesn't have to be this way. Often people don't learn until something absolutely horrible occurs, and some just know by nature. I am one of those for whom simply know better and don't have to suffer the torchure and trauma most must suffer. I am very fortunate that way.