Sikander aqeel


Jul 27th 2012, 4:23 am
Posted by aqeelsika1

The Thorium age is 47798.6816 year, Now we have the age of Proton and the Neutron. and Neutron proton will be taken beside the right age of Thorium-232. and Proton age is 19119.47264 year, and the Neutron age is 28679.20896 and after add 19119.47264 + 28679.20896 = 47798.6816 year, 


Law of time, 

The 6 is a radius of whole system. and 24 hours are base of one day. and 10cm is a distance between earth and the sun, If you see from the central of Milky-way. and .008 is a ancient value of one photon. 4 photon of one Neutron. and 4.8 is a energy of one Neutron, and Oxygen weight is 0.32 Milligrams, who we shall use as year would be changed. or next year, 



Thorium total age is 47798.6816 year. 

In the begin of 643.84 light year, the system was begun of Thorium-232, then Thorium took 47798.6816 year for complete itself. 



Calculation of Thorium-232 mass unit, 

47798.6816 year x 6 = 286792.0896 / 24 hours = 11949.6704 / .008 one photon = 1493708.8 / 643.84 Ksk-code = 2320 / 10cm = 232 mass unit of Thorium-232, 



So the 47798.6816 year are a strange distance of time. and I made orbit of distance through the 6, and after multiply with 6, we  found the year of orbit. 



Two Thousand Twelve, and mass unit of Thorium. 

47798.6816 are years of Thorium-232, then for conform the date, 47798.6816 year x 6 = 286792.0896 / 24 hours = 11949.6704 / .008 one photon = 1493708.8 / 232 Thorium = 6438.4 x 6 = 38630.4 / 4 photon of Neutron = 9657.6 / 4.8 Neutron energy = 2012 date or Two-Thousand-Twelve date of this century. 



So it was only a proof, that Thorium taken 47592.6528 years to do complete of itself. as I shall complete my time atomic theory till the Hydrogen. that you would be understood about age of Creatures on the earth. So the Thorium age is 47592.6528 year. and why elements are 232 into the Thorium, that from reason of 47592.6528 year, to do complete itself. 



Time Year and Pluto 

One Time Year contains on 31536000 seconds, or 

31536000 seconds is a langth of one Time year, 

and here one seconds is equal to 300,000 

kilometres, and which is important point in this 

Time year theory. that 300,000 kilometres 

distance have used one time only. 



Such as 31536000 / 300,000 / 28.8 charge of one proton = 3.65 x 100cm basic measurement = 365 days of time year. and it will be called the right law of the measurement of Universe. Because If you will multiply of each one seconds with light distance, that your maths will be made. because 300,000 kilometre is not less measurement, it is too much.



Outer and Inner measurement, 

So Time year are keep belong with two measurement, or Time year are two. one for inner measurement, Such as inner in 31536000 seconds. other Time year belongs with outer measurement, such as out of 31536000 seconds for stars. 


And our solar system will be counted in Inner measurement. because all planets are below the 31536000 seconds.  



Pluto and Time Year. 

We are doing start a new chapter through the Time 

year, Or we shall conform here about right and 

the wrong of Time year Theory. 



Pluto is a last Planet of Solar system, and who is 434220 light seconds away from the Sun. and we shall use here the Time year Theory for know the distance in days. and it will be called the Inner measurement from Time Year. because Pluto distance is very less than the days of one Time year, 



Law of Time year, 

We shall use the minus- for Inner measurement, such as solar system. and we use the multiply for outer measurement such as for the stars. 




through the Time year. So Pluto distance is 434220 light seconds, and one time year is equal to 31536000-seconds. and therefore 31536000 - 434220 = 31101780-seconds. 


Now we shall come back for know the days of speed of light. So 31101780 / 24 hours / 60 minute / 60 seconds = 359.9743056 total arrearage days, whcih had used by the light speed. now for total travel of light speed. 359.9743056 - 365 days of time year = 5.025 days of light speed. or light speed took 5.025 day for reach on the orbit of Pluto. 



Inner Time Year, 

The Pluto is 5.025 day away from the sun. and it will be written, Such as (5.025d Inner Time Year). So through the Inner Time year we have able to be enter into the twenty-first century. Amd you should be happy. Actually I want change whole world for admit you into the twenty-first century.           

water light for ever(1036)

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