Sikander aqeel


Jun 27th 2012, 10:31 pm
Posted by aqeelsika1

Last week, our inner journey has been finished which was a warm travel, and we completed within 51.14 weeks, Although it was not long travel, because our distance is very less from the sun. you knows very well, 



the genetics factors belongs with Inner and outer orbit of earth. and not any doubt in it. because very difference of genetic cell among in each living-thing, because our genetic system belongs with different orbit of sun. and from this reason, 



the human are creating human from several centuries and animal are being animal. and never has been seen new living-thing since billion years on the earth. because warm waves of inner orbit are doing supply continuous the warm energy of our genetic system. 



Inner orbit of earth. 

human and animal are belongs with 27th, 28th and 29th orbit of sun. 27th orbit of which colour is black, 28th is a brown, and 29th is a white orbit of sun. 



Division of orbit by the genetics. 

It is very long chapter, and I am not doing complete explain, only telling a way for understand its. which genetic system takes too much water by the much need,



that they belongs with 29th, 28th,27th orbit of sun. and which genetic system takes less water by need, that they belongs with 23th 20th and 18th and some others orbit of sun. Such as` snake and lizard, 



Second features of Inner orbit. 

It is 85 percent child`s orbit, and 15 percent egg`s orbit by dry living-thing. or 85 percent living-thing lay the child, and 15 percent lay the egg into Inner orbit. 



but outer orbit of earth is contain on 98 percent egg, and only two percent child, like a flying-fox, So the genetic system of water is very different from birds and the living thing of dry lands. which about we shall observation later. 



One important question. 

The earth revolving around the sun with zero weight. therefore eash season comes own right time. But the zero weight always fall inner side or outer side. Now where are going the earth, dropping own Inner orbit or going outer direction of Pluto. and this question we solve with genetic system of earth.                  


water light for ever(1036)

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