Sikander aqeel


Jun 20th 2012, 10:03 pm
Posted by aqeelsika1

The size of sun from ‘‘29.2’’ minute distance. 

It is also very important matter. you always see the sun in 1.5 feet size from the earth. but if you want imagine size of sun from ‘‘29.2’’ minute away. then this law will help us. many events rises up into the Universe. sometimes a star suddenly very quickly  melt to be the small size. fact about a star. which was against across of our solar system in



the milky-way. and around this star the life were present in two planets. there in only four centuries. their star was fifty percent melt. from this reason. there life was suddenly finished into the two planets. why it happened, actually you do not know about the StarQuake which happens very dangerous. tell later to which details. So we are doing probe orbit of sun 



from ‘‘29.2’’ minute away. So from ‘‘29.2’’ minute away the sun size will happen 2.5 feet. Now by maths that the sun diameter is 4833.26 days kilometres. So 4833.26 / 1752 light seconds = 2.758710046 and we shall only use 3 here. So 2 x 10 atom = 20 inch size of sun from on ‘‘29.2’’ minute away. and by the feet that 20 inch / 12 = 1.66 feet height of sun from ‘‘Twenty-nine’’ minute away. or, size of sun. 



Why earth day contains 24 hours. 

What is the value of 60 minute by hours 

So we should know that what is the value of 60 minute and why one day of earth is equal to 24 hours. or what is the value of one minute into the universe. or 60 minute is only a way for find the hours. but we need a axis rotation of planet into the hours. 



Axis law of rotation. 

Actually the matter of axis rotation belongs with time and Super Code of rotation. So we shall find the Super Code for solve of axis rotation. So Earth rotation Code is 1.2,, Mars rotation Code is 1.1,, Jupiter rotation Code is 3.85,, Saturn rotation Code is 5.375,, Uranus rotation Code is 4.91,, Neptune rotation code is 3.34,, and Pluto rotation Code is 2.41,, ( and 60 minute are basic limit of one hour ) 




Axis rotation and 365 days of Earth.  

So Earth distance is 1752 light seconds from the sun. then 1752 / 1.2 Code = 1460 / 60 = 24.33 hours. So the 24.33 hours are value of axis rotation for complete one day of Earth. 




Axis rotation and 365 days of Earth. 

Now one Proton is contain on five photon. and proton is electrical active substance into the space. So Axis rotation = one Proton and one Proton = five photon. 




and if the zero minute is a distance of planet. then we shall write 0 - 5 = 5 Axis rotation of planet. if the 1 minute is distance of planet, then we shall write 1 - 5 = 4 Axis rotation of planet. So Earth distance is 29.2 minute then 29.2 - 5 photon of Proton = 24.2 hours Axis rotation of earth. 




Now as a proof. 29.2 / 24.2 = 1.2o661157 Code. now earth light seconds are 1752. So 1752 / 1.2o661157 Code = 1452 / 60 second = 24.20000001 hour Axis rotation by the seconds. or 24.2 hour axis rotation of earth. because the Axis rotation is only reaction of distance. So if the distance would be too much. then axis rotation would be also too much of planet. 




Axis rotation and 30 days of moon of Earth 

Moon days are 30 / 2.5 = 12 / 60 minute = 0.2 x 10 = 2 hours, or moon axis rotation is two hour per day. and this law only moon of planets. 




Axis rotation of satellite. 

So 29.2 minute distance of satellite, then 29.2 / 24 hours for time Code = 1.216666667 So 1752 light seconds distance of satellite and Satellite Code is 1.216666667. then 1752 / 1.216666667 = 1440 / 60 = 24.0000 hour,, or satellite rotation would be 24 hour per day.



Speed of planet and axis rotation. 

Earth speed code is 146. because 365 days / 2.5 two hydrogen atom = 146. So it is a code of earth speed. now for know the speed in kilometres. we use the diameter of sun. 4833.26 / 146 = 33.10 kilometer speed of earth round the sun. So 146 is the code of speed. Now for know the axis rotation we shall use the 146 code and radius law 6. So 146 / 6 = 24.33 




Speed code of satellite and axis rotation. 

Now 145 is a code of satellite spped. and 6 is a law of radius. So 146 / 6 = 24.33 hours axis rotation of satellite.   




As a proof by new energy law with Earth. 

The rotation Code is first important subject. and Earth rotation Code is 730. and this Code is 46.4705882 percent small form the satellite Code. So for know the rotation of Earth. we shall use the Code with New energy law. So energy law is E = m + m = C1. then E=m29.2 minute + m29.2 minut = 58.4 x 300000000 = 17520000000 / 730 Code = 24000000 / 1000000 light measurement = 24 hours rotation of Earth or rotation value of orbit of Earth. 




As a experimantal. 

We shall get here the Code. and here will be used the five photon of one proton and day of planet for get the Code. So earth days are 365 / 5 = 73 is a Code of Axis rotation by the Proton. and one Neutron energy is 4.8. So here a Neutron will also be used. because the earth can be seen with open eyes. So 73 Code / 4.8 energy = 15.20833333 x 24 hours axis rotation = 365 days of earth.




So axis rotation law is. 

Days / 5 photon of one proton = Code. and Code / 4.8 one neutron energy = axis rotation of one hours x 24 hours = days of earth. 



As a test with satellite. 

So satellite days are 365 / 5 = 73 Code of satellite. So 73 / 4.8 = 15.20833333 x 24 hours axis rotation of Earth = 365 days of Satellite. and 24 hours axis rotation of satellite.   



As a proof by 360 degree. 

Now we have 360 degrees of any circle, and this 360 degrees belongs with a pair, like one day of 24 hours, and a night of 24 hours, or 24 up degree, and 24 down degrees. or 0 to 180 degrees equal to day, or up side. and 180 to 0 equal to night, or down side. but the value of same of both. So by the axis rotation 24 hours are equal to one day. and 24 hours are equal to one night. but you do the count the day of 12 hours, and night of 12 hours. Actually yours dating system is wrong. 



Now about 365 days of satellite. 

365 / 360 = 1.013888889 x 24 part of first pair = 24.33333333 and it is axis rotation. So 24.33333333 x 24 part of second pair = 584 / 1.6 = 365 days of the orbit of satellite. 



Second proof by Earth. 

365 / 360 = 1.013888889 x 24 hours = 24.33333333 x 4.8 one neutron energy = 116.8 / 4 photon of one neutron = 29.2 minute distance of earth from the sun. and it is a relation between the axis rotation and the distance of earth. 



Now about 365 days of satellite. 

365 / 360 = 1.013888889 x 24 hours = 24.333333333 x 4.8 one neutron energy = 116.8 / 4 photon of neutron = 29.2 minute distance of orbit from the sun. So this law will be called the measurement of distance through the minute. 



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