Sikander aqeel

Alpha particle, Gamma, Beta, and sun Rays.

Jun 15th 2012, 12:19 am
Posted by aqeelsika1

Third element of Atom 

Proton, which is a charge-able element into the atom. but the proton were not charge-able elements in the past. because the proton may be not divide with one complete number. or proton is contain on two different numbers, 



such as 2, and 3. if be divided with two same condition such as from warm and hot condition. while the Neutron is perfect, such as 4 photons of Neutron. 4 / 2-warm / 2-cold = 1 Neutron and both number were same. Now by Proton 5 / 2.5-warm / 2.5-cold = 0.8. or Uranium-238 / 4 = 59.5 x 2.4 one light ray = 142.8   3.2 = 146 Neutron of Uranium. 



So we shall say here, the 4 is right 

number of photons into the one Neutron. But the 

Proton is incomplete by number of photons. Such as Uranium-238 / 5 = 47.6 is a fifth part of Uranium. So 47.6 x 2.4 = 114.24. and a mass of one light ray is very faithful numbers. because it is a base of each atomic theory. 



The Proton by reasons. 

So we shall say here, that Proton was not present in the past. and it is product of cold atmosphere of mass. So we use the multiply for future. and the future means, 



that thing will be completed in time of future. For proof Uranium-238 x 5 photons = 1190 / 10cm = 119 is half number of Uranium, So 119 x 2 = 238 future of uranium. and by Neutrons that Uranium-238 x 4 = 952 / 10cm = 95.2 - 3.2 Cross-pton = 92 protons of future of Uranium-238. 



Although no any past of Protons. 

But Protons are creates the Biogenetic system at the planets or at the cold stars. and from this point the Protons are greatest elements into the universe. 




the proton keeps busy of particle in chemical changes. If the cold period has started at the mass. that will be started system of protons. Such as system of colours, system of stone, system of metals, system of colour soil, 



system of tree and different type living things. 

and these all processes are attached with proton. you knows about only earth. But the Universe are filled with Billions type proton. 



lazy process of proton. 

the proton works like a lazy tortoise into the atom. they do cool of neutron slowly, and react of this process the atom becomes convert in different colours and things. Although it is very complicated process of proton. but we can find out its solution. 



Solution of Proton. 

(1) Cross-pton are equal to -a/Particle. (2) Cross-tron are equal to +a/Particle. (3) and 3 photons are equal to B/Particle. (4) and 2 photons are equal to y/Particle. So 3 photons + 2 photons = 5 photons of one proton. therefore after the 82 all metals belongs with -a/Cross-pton. and after the Hydrogen all metals belongs with +a/Cross-tron. 




-a/Cross-pton deletes the radio-active from own body with the B/Particle and y/Particle. or does the spend own energy in the shape of x-ray. 




+a/Cross-tron are absorb the ray own inside from out side. or do the absorb of light and heat own inside. therefore all metals happens radio-active. some only belongs with -a/Particle, and some +a/particle. 



because when you use the water and sun ligh for agriculture. then water and sun light mixing into the soil. makes the -a/particle own all around. and from reason of -a/partical, that seed blast into the groubd. and growth system becomes start into the seed. Now although in the soil happens very small elements, 



and therefore -a/partical becomes shift into the eating-elements. But when you use -a/Particle into the Plutonium. that they becomes powerful and makes unable of soil for agriculture. agriculture is a constellation of colours. and all metals are radio-active, some are only minus and some plus. 



By maths about, a,y,b-Particle. 

Now light is base if Universe, which makes again able of atom for use in universe. and light contains on 2.4 photons. 



and 3 photons are equal to B/Particle. (4) and 2 photons are equal to y/Particle. So 3 photons + 2 photons = 5 photons of one proton. 



So Uranium mass unit is 238, then for -a/Particle. 238 / 3b / 2y = 39.6666667 x 2.4 sun ray = 95.2 - 92 proton = -a3.2 particle. or -a3.2 Cross-pton. So Neutron 142.8 + -a3.2 particle + 92 proton = Uranium-238 



when Uranium-238 moves into Uranium-237, that -a3.2 particle becomes defect, and Uranium-237 rise up in own condition. 



So Uranium mass unit is 237, then for -a/Particle. 237 / 3b / 2y = 39.5 x 2.4 light ray = 94.8 - 92 proton = -a2.8 particle. or -a2.8 Cross-pton. So Neutron 142.2 + -a2.8 particle + 92 Proton = Uranium-237. So about defect value, 3.2 - 2.8 = 0.4 percent -a/particle was defected for make Uranium-237.   



So here we shall say, that particle of Gamma rays and particle of Beta rays makes Alpha particle into the proton. and -a/particle makes won kigdoom into the atom. like a shape of Croos-pton or in shape of numbers. now since it is a third element into the atom. therefore when it takes any jump. that metal shape is chenged automatically. 



Total value of radio-active into the atom. 

Now we solve the total value of radio-active into the atom. in which -b3 is a ratio of Beta particle, and -y2 is a ratio of Gamma particle. and and basic element is -a Cross-pton or -a partcle.     



So Uranium mass unit is 238, then for -a/Particle. 238 / 3b / 2y = 39.6666667 x 2.4 ray = 95.2 - 92 proton = -a3.2 particle. or -a3.2 Cross-pton. Now -a3.2 +.8 Neutron affect = -a4 particle,or -a4 Cross-pton. -a4 Alpha particle 



-a4 Alpha particle

Now we have -a4 element of Uranium. then 238 - -a4/particle = Uranium-234 / 3b / 2y = 39 x 2.4 sun rar = 93.6 - 92 proton of uranium = 1.6b or Beta rays. but it will be counted 2, because 1.6 + .4 Neutron affect = -b2 



-b2 Beta Particle.

Now we have -b2 beta element of Uranium. then 234 - 2 = Uranium-232, then Uranium-232 / 3b / 2y = 38.66666667 x 2.4 light rays = 92.8 - 92 proton of uranium = 0.8y or gamma particle. but will be count 1 because 0.8 + .2 Neutron affect = 1 



-y1 gamma Particle. 

Now we have -y1 gamma element of uranium-238. then Uranium-232 - 1 = uranium-231 / 3b / 2y = 38.5 x 2.4 light rays = 92.4 - 92 proton of Uranium = 0.4 and it will always be count 0.4, because it is a end of radio-active function. because 0.4 is a end of radio-active process. So after gather -a4 + -b2 + y1 = 7.           

water light for ever(1036)

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