Mike Beaumont

Are You Dangling Your Dongle In All The Right Places

May 19th 2012, 5:05 pm
Posted by mtbeau1955

Are You Dangling Your Dongle in All The Right Places? If Not, You Could Be Throwing Money Away.

Do you Dongle in the moonlight, or do you prefer to Dongle in the morning? Do you even know what it means? If you don’t, you could be spending too much of your own money, and losing customers at the same time.
OK, now that I have you good and confused, let me first explain what a dongle is. There are actually a lot of items that fit into this rather broad category of items, many of them being objects like thumb drives, USB keys, software security hookups that connect to the back of your computer, and many other little hardware devices that have just as many uses.

So What’s a Dongle Do

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/xQcmyo86l7o" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


In this case, the dongle I want to talk about goes on your smart phone. It allows you to accept credit card payments right on your mobile device, and can also be used with your iPad or laptop computer. The equipment if free and the costs are very minimal when compared to having a merchant account. With per charge costs as low as 19 cents plus 2.69% per swipe, or 3.49% for keyed in data, it makes absolutely no sense to have a merchant account, especially for local purchases and sales.
NAB (North American Bancard) has a dongle that looks like an orange slice and also has software that couples with it to make the buying and selling even more versatile. As of January 2012 they had the lowest per swipe fees and the innovation is getting better all the time, crossing over into research for other areas of use. A dongle has no set up fees, and you can start using it almost immediately after signing into your account.

What Kind of Future Does the Dongle Have?

The Dongle has a very brilliant future ahead of it, with sing ups increasing steadily since they were first introduced in May 2010 by Square. They currently have over 800,000 readers in use, and in 2011 purchases made with these readers hit 5.3 billion dollars, up 83% from the year before. The dongle future is predicted to grow to 490 million users by 2014.
The dongle is being used by more and more companies, with major players like Google with their Google Wallet, ISIS, which is collaborating with AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon for a national kick off in 2013 that will start in Salt Lake City and Austin, Texas that will have access to 220 million handsets and existing relationships with credit card companies.
Some services don’t even need a dongle to dangle, they use the phone itself. AppNinjas’ Swipe is one such service, but also comes with a monthly service charge and a slightly higher than average per swipe cost. But they also give you a dedicated 24/7 customer-service specialist in case you run into any problems. Swipe has been adding 300-500 merchants per month with no signs of slowing down.
Here’s a few sites that offer these cool tools;
1. http://www2.payanywhere.com/home
2. http://www.google.com/wallet/
3. http://www.paywithisis.com/home.xhtml
4. ttps://squareup.com/?gclid=CNXU9fvWiLACFSo0QgodsQs7LQ

So Do You Do the Dongle Or Don’t


Adding a dongle and swipe service to your arsenal of business tools is a matter of preference, but only if you don’t mind paying through the nose for a merchant account. For now it may be an evil necessity to keep one especially for overseas transactions, but even that can be a problem, as many countries don’t believe in using credit cards. But as fast as these devices are developing, I think that a lot of merchant accounts are going to be defunct in the near future.
So add a dongle to your services and save some money. There are several out there, so just check them out and decide which would be better for you. It will help you take your business to the next level, save you money, and give your customers another avenue of payment without any credit checks or hassles.

PS… Need a Reason to Have a Dongle
PSS… Add a Dongle to eWallet For a Killer Combination by Going Here

dongle(2), online purchases(1), smart phone(2), ipad(3)

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