Mike Beaumont

Mediocrity, Malaise, and Making Money

May 10th 2012, 7:11 pm
Posted by mtbeau1955

Is Mediocrity and Malaise Stopping You From Making Money?

Mediocrity, Malaise, and Making MoneyAre you stuck in a rut that you just can’t seem to get out of, with no hope in sight? Would you like to make more money but feel like you have no other option than to stay where you are?

Then you, my friend, are trapped in a place of mediocrity and malaise, and that is what is stopping you from making money.
There is one option left to you that you might want to investigate, and that is to get pissed off, stop feeling sorry for yourself, look in the mirror and say to yourself, no, YELL to yourself “stop being a wussy and take a chance. Bet on you!”

The only way to make life better and get out of the rut of mediocrity and malaise, and start making money, is to take that giant leap and bet on you. Stop listening to all the other wussies that are feeding you full of negativity, and say “I can do this” and just do it.


Stepping Out of Mediocrity Can Be Scary

Making that step to escape mediocrity can be scary, as can doing anything new. But that fear can lead to exciting things, and open up many new doors that we otherwise might miss; such as meeting new people, going to new places, buying new things. Here is a very good analogy of what fear stands for:
1. F – False
2. E – Evidence
3. A – Appearing
4. R – Real

Just remember that not everything is as it appears, and we make preconceived notions based on what we have heard and learned throughout our lives. If you beat a dog enough he will cringe and back away from you even if you have a treat in that hand. Humans are the same way.

Ever watch kids at play and wonder why they aren’t scared of doing something? That is because they don’t have any prior knowledge to make them afraid. It’s the parents that tell them not to do something because it will hurt them, but tell a kid not to do something, and watch how fast they go try it. We need to regain that feeling of freedom, and lose the fear that we have had ingrained within us.

Why Malaise is Killing You

Malaise, that vague and unfocused feeling of lethargy, mental uneasiness, and discomfort, is what kills a lot of people. And it fits right in with mediocrity. If you don’t believe me, just look at people that retire after a long and glorious career, and end up either dying or becoming so debilitated they can’t do anything for themselves. It’s not because they are old, it is because they have lost hope and have nothing to look forward to. How do you feel when you are bored? No really, stop and think about it for a minute. It drives you crazy doesn’t it? I know it does me. Now magnify that by eternity, because that is how long some folks feel that boredom is, and you will have some idea how they feel.

It makes you lazy, uncaring and lackadaisical. So why do they allow themselves to get to that point? Because they don’t realize it is happening, they think it’s just the natural progression of things. They lose focus on what is ahead of them because they think they have reached that pinnacle that everyone is trying to reach, and don’t have to do anything else.

Still don’t understand what mediocrity and malaise have to do with making money? Then wake the hell up, look at where your life is going, and do something to change that way of thinking.

PS… Need some direction in how to get there!

PSS… Don’t be a wussy. Just get rid of the fear of mediocrity and go here!

mediocrity(1), making money(7), blogging(11), how to blog(4)

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