You Have a Big To-Do List or Is It a Not To-Do List
Do you get
frustrated, wigged out, depressed, or feel pressured because your to-do
list is so big, or do you call it your not to-do list? So many
times I see people get all stressed out because they have no idea how they are
going to get everything done.
Are you one of those that stresses out because
you didn’t get something important done?
Well relax, have a cup of coffee,
and just chill for a minute. There are ways to cope with these situations that
are a lot easier than you think.
Throw Away Your To-Do List Right
So you say you have a to-do list that needs to get
done, so what! Throw it away right now. We are going to take this one step at a
time, and start from scratch. Grab a pen and paper (did you get that cup of
coffee), take a deep breath, and let’s get started.
The first thing you need
to do is determine what needs to be done right now. And let’s be serious here
for a second. I am not talking about rearranging the medicine cabinet or
something silly like that. I am talking about the important things, like for
instance, do you have a blog? Then make that your number one priority. Or maybe
you have kids that are in sports and they have to be at practice or a game at a
certain time. If so, make getting them to where they need to be a priority. See
my point?
You Need To Prioritize Your
Now that you have all the important things written down, you need to
prioritize your list. Put everything in order of importance, not just the first
two or three items. A good way to set priorities is to ask yourself what the
impact would be if they don’t get done. And be truthful with yourself, don’t
fudge because what you have to do is hard or might take too long.
One way
that will help is allow yourself some type of reward for getting things done,
even if it just some small token, such as taking 5 minutes to have a cup of
coffee in a quiet place. It will really make a big difference in how you
approach things during the day.
Make Your To-Do List a DO
Don’t overload your to-do list; make it a list that you can
actually DO. If you have reasonable goals set, it is much easier to accomplish
them and get them off your list. My friend Arthur Partridge has a blog
that talks about this very thing. He is among other things, a master
practitioner of neuro linguistic programming and relates to how this can change
even the way we think. Give him some blog love and read his stuff. It is usually
pretty short, but speaks volumes.
PS... This will make your
to-do list a lot easier. Get it now!
PSS... Click HERE
and mark it off your list now!