Sikander aqeel


May 2nd 2012, 10:47 pm
Posted by aqeelsika1


Which are important point about the visual mobile phone. which is large screen of your mobile. that they are not your screen. actually that screen for the sender person. or If your mobile video camera is making your video So not for your screen, although they are making your friend, and sending continuous to your friend through the sender sim. 


or If you did phone 000-000006 to own friend. then your screen is there. and your life video will be seen there into the mobile phone. not in your mobile. and If they are using video camera, then you will see their in own mobile phone. 


And it is possible, because you have made all things. which will be used for it. and when sound can travel So why cannot travel the video. I can make but I have not time. Actually I am writing a cool atomic theory of Neptune.  

water light for ever(1036)

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