Sikander aqeel


Apr 30th 2012, 10:37 pm
Posted by aqeelsika1



Now we have reached in the last moments of its chapter. where we shall try that be possible Visual mobile system. So for do the possible of its new mobile, we shall use two sim. of which name are ( Video and Sound sender sim) and other ( video and Sound receiver sim).  and both sims number should be same.


Video and Sound sender sim 

The sender sim will send your Video and sound through the Video Camera and Mike. or this sim will be used only for send. So the Video electron will go with sound electron. and there they will divide in Video screen and sound speaker. where did you  mobile. 


video and Sound receiver sim. 

its should be powerful, because the screen is fasten with its. which will show you a life Video of your friend.

water light for ever(1036)

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