
Iran has said the United States does not believe the crack uavs

Apr 23rd 2012, 10:55 pm
Posted by yaolihan

Overseas media April 23 report: Iran's revolutionary guard says, the country experts have cracked down in the United States last year uav system and intelligence collection storage hard disk code, the islamic revolutionary guard aerospace Discount oakley sale department is restoring and obtain the reconnaissance craft and started to copy data. The United States senate homeland security and government affairs committee chairman Joe lieberman questioned the statement, that Iran is "always good bragging about". Once flew over bin laden hiding place before death Hadji's firm, said, "this was almost no part of drone can hide it from us. We obtained it has been deleted data, there are many password and characters, we cracked them." He said that, with the United States, is using the cheap sunglasses same stealth aircraft and bombers technology copy uavs. Hadji firm mentioned some of the uav's maintenance records and activities, to prove the staff have already get airborne information. "Base" before the organization top man, osama bin laden in May 2011 in Pakistan U.S. special forces killed by two weeks before the plane uavs fly over osama bin laden over the residence. Last December, the United States cutting-edge RQ-170 "sentinel" invisible uav invasion of Iran air space, was captured after Iran. The defense minister think, the access to the information technology by uavs. The United States says Iran has the boast of history Lieberman 22 told the fox news on Sunday "TV audience, Iran has the" boast of history, especially when they are in a defensive attitude ". He Discount Oakley said "defensive", refers to the Iran sanctions is suffering from western countries. Some analysts concluded that if uavs was cracked, associated with relative to Iran the military advantages.

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