kei111 kei111

We are an online 2012 Oakley Outlet

Apr 23rd 2012, 3:52 am
Posted by kei111

  The end of religion is the welfare, the salvation, the ultimate felicity of man; the relation of man to God is nothing else than his relation to his own spiritual good ; God is the realized salvation of the soul, or the unlimited power of effecting the salvation, the bliss of man The supernatual body is a body constructed by the imagination, for which very reason it is adequate to the feelings of man; an unburdensome, purely subjective body The Christian religion is especially distinguished from other religions in this, that no other has given equal prominence to the salvation of man   Faith in the future life is nothing else than faith in the truth of the imagination, as faith in God is faith in the truth and infinity of human feeling The more extra-and suprahuman God appears at the commencement, the more human does he show himself to be in the subsequent course of things, or at the close: and just so, the more supernatural the heavenly life looks in the beginning or at a distance, the more clearly does it, in the end, or when viewed closely, exhibit its  cheap oakley sunglasses identity with the natural life,an identity which at last extends even to the flesh, even to the body The Christian religion is especially distinguished from other religions in this, that no other has given equal prominence to the salvation of man Every separation of beings essentially allied is painful But the separation of the soul from the body, of the essence from the individiual, of God from man, must be abolished again The soul yearns after its lost half, after its body; as God, the departed soul, yearns after the real man

 The soul yearns after its lost half, after its body; as God, the departed soul, yearns after the real man The supernatual body is a body constructed by the imagination, for which very reason it is adequate to the feelings of man; an unburdensome, purely subjective body  It is true that this new body is a bright, glorified,  oakley sunglasses miraculous body, butand this is the main pointit is another and yet the same body as God is another being than man, and yet the same Here we come again to the idea of miracle,which unites contradictories It is true that this new body is a bright, glorified, miraculous body, butand this is the main pointit is another and yet the same body as God is another being than man, and yet the same It is true that this new body is a bright, glorified, miraculous body, butand this is the main pointit is another and yet the same body as God is another being than man, and yet the same The Christian religion is especially distinguished from other religions in this, that  oakley no other has given equal prominence to the salvation of man Here we come again to the idea of miracle,which unites contradictories Every separation of beings essentially allied is painful Faith in the future life is nothing else than faith in the truth of the imagination, as faith in God is faith in the truth and infinity of human feeling The more extra-and suprahuman God appears at the commencement, the more human does he show himself to be in the subsequent course of things, or at the close: and just so, the more supernatural the heavenly life looks in the beginning or at a distance, the more clearly does it, in the end, or when viewed closely, exhibit its oakley sunglasses sale identity with the natural life,an identity which at last extends even to the flesh, even to the body


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