Sikander aqeel


Apr 22nd 2012, 10:34 pm
Posted by aqeelsika1

Metals`s Medical Doctorate & 

It is last layer of Stomach-HCH14.5. and it have two parts. 1. which do the absorb of salt and white photons from the food for own behind layer. 

2. it is second part of layer, which makes the acid for (Gastric Glands). So it is one layer. but it do the two work. because it is divide in two system. 


or in easy words. our skin is one. but our skin do the two work. 1. gather the blood by the inner of body. 2, gather the Oxygen by outer of body. So this last layer of Stomach-HCH14.5 will be called the ( Sensitive layer of outer side ) and ( Sensitive layer of Inner side). because this last layer belongs with Sensitive plant. from touch to which. that are shrinked leaves of plants. because here are also two system in its plant. to be spread and shrink. 


( Sensitive layer of outer side)

When we eat some thing or food. that food direct seems of Sensitive outer layer. and suddenly becomes start the system of shrink of Stomach-HCH14.5. and some which salt it was gather in whole day that it will supply of own behind layer. 


(Sensitive layer of Inner side) 

Now it Sensitive layer will make some types acid for (Gastric Glands) and (Gastric Glands) will make the (Gastric Juice) for absorbable of food. 



If you wants keep young own skin forever. then you will have to take Virus of Shivering. which keeps live of each Sensitive layer of body. or in easy words. when Sensitive system becomes too weak of body. that Shivering system totally died. and the skin becomes started crack like a cut diamond or Carbon. 



So first secrets was Carbon. and second is Sensitive layer of whole body. and this both system belongs with electrical system. If you takes 24 volt DC electric shocks daily through the skin. 


that your Sensitive system and Shivering system and Carbon growth system never die in whole life. because the electron size and Gene size is nearly same. and the gene are base of DNA. Actually the Genetic system of human and electric system is same. there just only volt capacity is very less into the Gene. Definitely from reason of thin tread of DNA.        



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