Sikander aqeel


Apr 21st 2012, 10:32 pm
Posted by aqeelsika1

We see in round shape of universe. because the Stars and Planets are in the round shape, and from this reason, the planets are moving around the sun in the shape of round circle. and stars are moving around of centre of galaxy in the shape of circle. and the Axis rotation is also round from reason of round shape of planets and stars. So it is all round system. 



TWO FACT. The planets and stars are freely swiming into the universe and it is a different system of universe. and who is moving of universe. that it is second system of universe. 



SECOND FACT. But in fact which energy doing work behind of universe, that they belongs with triangle. and a spacial point about energy. that we can not see energy, when they being used. because the energy is contain on three angles. and to which mark is triangle. and the triangle is base of circle and the Square. because the four triangle can make the one square. and six triangle can make one circle. 



PHOTON, Actually the photon are in the shape of triangle. and from this reason, we cannot see the very small things. because the light does not stay in the one triangle or molecule. that they are passed from the triangle like a prism. but when some triangle occurs gather into one place. that the light becomes locked into the central or in any thing. and they thing becomes able of see. 



PROTON AND NEUTRON. Which photons are into the Neutron and Proton that they are also in the shape of triangle. and from this reason, all raw metals occurs pointed. now since the metal wax occurs into atom and from this reason becomes greasy surface of metal. 




we can see only that thing. that light occurs gather in which. and where light not gather that we cannot see those things. 

ONE TRIANGLE, Here is a triangle, to which we cannot see. because light being out continuous and being enter continuous. 

FOUR TRIANGLE. Here are four triangle which we can see, because the light being enter from each side and being gather into the central of system. 

SIX TRIANGLE, Here are Six triangle, and you can see easily, because the light being enter from six side and gather into the system of central.  





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