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The second important process of Hydrocarbons. to which a trap are expanded into whole body. because the link of whole body with a carbon, and the Hydrogen is first family member of Carbon. But the Hydrogen is members only into the any system. Like a system of Human, system of animals, system of tree, system of diamond and in others. and out of system the Hydrogen and carbon are not family members of each other. Now outer layer of each system belongs with carbon. and Hydrogen is first family members of Carbon.
The Hydrocarbons compound do the warm of blood pipes. and from this reason, the blood do the travel for liver and heart from the below. and after the special age the Hydrocarbons becomes weak. and the blood do not healthy circulate into the body.
Or, when the Hydrocarbons compound do the warm of blood pipes. then the blood pipes expels out the Hydrogen element from the blood pipes. and from this reaction. the light glucose is gone up side for the liver and heart and lungs. or heat of Hydrocarbons compound push up of glucose for the liver and heart. and from reasion of this process always reach genuine glucose into the liver