Sikander aqeel


Apr 8th 2012, 11:05 pm
Posted by aqeelsika1

Metals`s Medical Doctorate & 

1. Outer wall of Stomach. It is outer wall or outer surface of stomach-C12. and It occurs a thick layer of stomach-C12 for press of food. when human eat that it layer press of food for digestion. and when it layer spread from reason of food in stomach-C12, that this layer deletes the chemical from inner wall of stomach-C12. 


2. It is a Sb-Carbon by Stomach meat. So it will be called the Sb-Carbon. Because it belongs with body meat. and it occurs some loss metal. but its structure Nearly occurs like a structure of diamond. 


3. Its Mark is C12 x age = 0000. So it is a Mark of stomachC12. because some year later. the stomach-C12 becomes weak. or yours age is 63 years. then C12 x 63 = 756. So yours stomach-C12 has been decrepit nearly 756 percent. from reason of much use. So we can again refresh of its, because now we have a value of stomach-C12. 


4. Expire date of stomach-C12 x 90 = 1080. So it is a last date of stomach-C12. because the stomach-C12 leaves the work nearly 90 years later. because it has spread too much. 


5. Date of beginning of stomachC12 x 1 = 12. So it is a value of Sb-Carbon, when you were one year old. that fresh stomach-C12, by shrink a new thing. 


6. Definition of Body Carbon, The S-body-Carbon is a single elements, which makes groups or line of Nucleotide into the body, through the structure of the body DNA. Actually the thread of DNA is a shape of Sd-Carbon. and the Nucleotide occurs a joint of thread. where they do the transfer of bacteria for each other, through the thread pipe line.       

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