Sikander aqeel


Yesterday, 11:11 pm
Posted by aqeelsika1



Pc, visual mobile phone and visual pocket mobile phone. Right concept about waves of T.V and the Audio mobile phone. It is a important matter about wave of both system. If the broadcasting will be done by system of Video for the mobile. then the Video mobile will work easily. 


Singles system of mobile. 

So for the Video mobile phone, the signals system should be contain on Video waves. or we are doing use these days, the Audio signals system in the mobile phone. 


Audio and Video Electrons 

The Video electrons 

contains on two electron, one for moving picture and other belongs with sound electron. and it both electrons are fasten tightly with each other. or, a moving picture or mobile movie camera, in which you are saying ‘‘ Hello Sikander’’. Now electron of two types will be separated from yours body. 


first the electron of sound by yours lips and other from yours light of face. and these both electron be joint tightly with each other. because the action was one. that yours face and the words. and from this reason, occurs same face and the words in the life telecast. So the television broadcasting belongs with two electrons. That ‘‘Picture and Sound’’ 


The Audio Electrons 

The audio mobile system of today is belongs with one electron of sound. and you can only hear the radio from own mobile. because the radio do the broadcast only electrons of sound. 


About picture of two types Raw electrons. 

there are seeing you a picture, in which two types raw electrons are present. one is pair of Video electrons. and other only one electron of sound. and we shall do possible. the life mobile system With new ‘‘Digital Broadcasting’’   


water light for ever(1036)

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