Mike Beaumont


Mar 6th 2012, 5:32 pm
Posted by mtbeau1955

Do You Have An Inspiring Moment That Makes You Tick?
I want you to think back over your life, and really dig deep to find those moments that have given you




inspiration. What was some of your inspiring moments, the day your first baby was born, the day you got married, the day your child graduated from school? These are all noteworthy moments and each deserves a minute of applause, but are they really defining moments? Have you had an inspiring moment that really makes you tick, that makes you want to change something in your life to get you to where you want to be but aren’t there yet?
Does Your Inspiring Moment Have Any Real Value To It?
OK, so answer this to yourself, does your “inspiring moment” have any real value to it? It doesn’t have to be monetary, but does it make you want it more than anything because you know it will change your life and everything in it in a dramatic way? Is it something so profound that you made a decision to actually tell your spouse or significant other about it and say “this is what I am going to do no matter what”? So now what? Will you sit down and strategize as to what the next step is going to be, or are you just going to do it and figure it out along the way? I have to tell you, at this point, if you try to plan everything out, you will get stuck in the planning to plan stage and won’t get out of it. There are some that can get away with it, but for the majority of us, we will never get past that first step. So just suck it up, cinch up your belt, and let’s jump off that ledge together.
Let’s Take That Inspiring Moment And Make Something Of It
So we have made the decision to take that inspiring moment and do something good with it. Maybe you have had a dream for a long time that you have finally decided to go after. Well, for me, my inspiring moment came in three parts over a period of about six months. I just turned 57 this year, and most of my friends are younger than I am. The first moment came when a good friend and colleague of mine had a heart attack at the age of 46. He was in good shape and ran all the time. The second moment came about much the same way, with a friend at age 45 that had to have a four way by-pass that changed everything he loved. The third moment came just a short time ago when another friend, also 45, passed away from a heart attack. These might not seem to be inspirations to you, but by God they opened my




eyes and made me realize that I didn’t want to be in the same boat.
So Where Will That Inspiring Moment Lead You?
After my eye-opening experience I decided that I didn’t want to be working until I am either 62 or dead, so I found a home business that I wanted to be a part of, and haven’t looked back since. I know that the stress of working your ass off for someone else is what got my friends to where they ended up, and I am not going to follow. I will fight it all the way, and will not give up until I realize my dreams. So where will you be, or should I ask, “Where do you want to be, and do you know how to get there”? Don’t wait until it is too late, until you are unable to fight against the current and struggle to reach your dreams. Nothing worthwhile is easy, but it is attainable if you just make that commitment to yourself to get started and keep moving forward.

inspiration(2), inspirng moment(1)

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