Sikander aqeel


Mar 4th 2012, 10:45 pm
Posted by aqeelsika1


To do save data for long time. 

Now it is a picture about data save system for the long time. and I am telling about way for use of it. which is very easy. You pressed the first button of computer. and some moments later, yours computer will be opened. now you will very flexible own computer. and too much faster. 


because the first button of computer is belongs with Domestic hard drive. and which is completely empty except a windows and program files. or such as 2.00 GB Windows, 1.50 GB Program file. and 1.50 GB Documents and setting. and after collecting 2. 00 BG + 1.50 GB 

+ 1.50 = 5 GB. So only 5,GB yours computer is heavy by the capacity. or you are doing use 80, GB Domestic Hard drive. 


then 75 GB,  yours computer always be empty. Because your all data of work is into the capital hard drive. such as 40 GB. 50 GB, or 30 GB. and which is shut this time. and from this reason yours computer will be faster. So when you will do use the computer of two buttons that yours computer be work faster.   

water light for ever(1036)

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