Sikander aqeel


Feb 19th 2012, 4:05 am
Posted by aqeelsika1


The uranus metals ''Su(5017)Uranusium'' to ''Su(5034)Uranusium'' belongs with heavy lighted RadioActive metals. and it was a serial which was belongs with 88 Cross-pton. and all metals of central core contains on the Cross-pton. 


therefor happens in melt condition the centre core of planets always. and the stars atomic system different from the planets. and difficult too but very powerful from planets atomic system. So the Cross-pton happens base of energy into the atom. and when it Cross-pton enter into the life system for born. 


then the life system is begun on the planet. and it metal in the beginning presents on the surface of planet. and gradually it metals are gone into the centre core of planet some time later. or in the easy words. If any planet fresh came in existence. then the cross-pton would be present on the surface of planet. 


or when earth was new and very fresh. or was not completely cool down. then it 89, 88, 87, 86, 85 84, 83, 82, 81, 80, cross-pton and some other was present on the surface of earth. and I say to his, the metals which belongs with the dinosaur families. because  cross-pton of 90 type presents on surface of planet. 


the heavy living-thing is born on the planet. or why dinosaur was too big because the metals was very heavy that time. and heavy metals mean cross-pton. now why dinosaur was gone or expired. because the heavy metals was gone into the centre core slowly slowly. and the earth was cooling down continuous. 


So you’re a human and you belongs with only 3 cross-pton. ( and if you want understand of atomic theory then the uranium is first atom in theory. and the Hydrogen is last metal in the atomic theory. ) So when you were being born on the surface of earth. that those days the 24 cross-pton were working on the surface of earth. or you can 

do the cloning of Lamb, goat, and cow. but you do not cloning of human. 


because the Lamb, goat, and cow  belongs with cross-tron. and human belongs with 24 cross-pton. and I can help for cloning of human. because I knows very well about 24 cross-pton metal. and I have done work on it in the 1975 to 1985. but it chapter is not important and big for mine. that big and important is only one the life till the 1000 years. and it chapter is not very difficult for my.          

water light for ever(1036)

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