Sikander aqeel


Feb 14th 2012, 3:41 am
Posted by aqeelsika1

Fourth Button. 

PC-Mobile phone. 1 

The button is belongs with Pc, Mobile. or a mobile system is included in this some sims ll’ be used in this new PC. and this mobile system ll’ be very modern. So if you jobs in any office, then you can use PC-Mobile. In which a Mobile sim ll’ be used. like a Pocket Mobile. 


PC-Mobile phone. 2 

If you are into the other city. and yours PC-Mobile system switch is open in your home. then you can use own PC-Mobile system from the other city. which is very away from yours city. or you are into the other city. and you need some files from you PC-Mobile. then you into the other city the own mobile pin ll’ insert into other PC. and after dial own Mobile Number. then your PC-Mobile system ll’ be opened in your city from the other city. and you will easily achieve the files into other city. But you can use only own PC-Mobile system from other city. and not PC. or PC, system and PC-Mobile system would be two things. and you ll’ use only PC-Mobile system from the other city. 


PC-Mobile phone. 3 

And this PC-Mobile system would be contain 80-GB or 160-GB. or as you likes. 



You will do the life talk through this PC-Mobile system. or you will see each other into the pocket mobile phone through this PC-Mobile system. or a lap-top system ll’ be included into the pocket mobile through the waves when you will be using own pocket mobile phone. So you will see each other into the pocket mobile in the future. nearly two years later. but if you would have a PC-Mobile system. then you can see each other into the pocket mobile phone. and not without PC-Mobile system. 


Although It is very difficult matter. but my first aim is to do the finish all privacy from the whole world. It world should be like a open rose. so that we easily see each other. or you use the stones walls for the home. It is very wrong. you should use glasses walls for the house. So that we easily see each other. 



I shall tell about first and second buttons first from all. and other programs later. 



water light for ever(1036)

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