Metals`s Medical Doctorate &
Who this machine will work. but we ll’ do know about skin surface first from all. because the machine ll’ work by sticking from the body. or the skin is a way to be enter of electrons into the body. If we happens able of insert of electrons into the human body. then our treatment will be success.
What is the Skin of Body.
Although the skin is only one layer of human`s meat. which is made by touch of air. and from touch of air continuous. the skin becomes thick. If you do stop touch of air then skin`s system ll’ be finished. or the air do the dry of skin for become skin. So If you stop of air from touch. then there ll’ see the white meat of body. because there were not touching the air of body.
when you ll’ wear the machine for the treatment. after some months that place of body ll’ be white. where machine were stuck from yours body. and that part of body ll’ be white like a born skin.
About Electrons of metals.
The electrons are different of all metals. because each metal is different from other metal. If the metal colour is white then electrons colour would also be white. or the gold colour is golden. then would be also golden colour of electrons. and from this reason each metal is powerful by own colour. or you cannot easily change the colour
of metals. but now can be changed the colour of metals. because we have a new Time Atomic Theory. but it is not complete this time from reason of three chapter. to which name is The colour Atomic Theory and North, west, south, east, atomic theory. and third is magnet atomic theory. which I ll’ start some years later.
So we are doing treatment of body with electrons . after machine the electrons are second basic part of treatment. and we should be know about electrons whole activity. what they do in night, or what they do in day. or what they do in cold and what in heat. and what is the speed it`s into each metal.