Sikander aqeel


Feb 6th 2012, 10:49 pm
Posted by aqeelsika1

Hard Drive, 

The computer`s system do not work without hard drive. and you can some see on the computer screen without hard drive. but you cannot operate the computer. because no one program run on the screen without hard drive. and when a hard disk becomes weak some years later. then the computer system leave the process of work. or you can see only display on computer screen without hard disk. 



One hard drive in which happens a hard disk. and this hard disk revolves into the hard drive. from this reason you can work on compute. or becomes able of work yours computer. 

and it is important matter of whirl of hard disk. because which thing can revolves that they belongs with past and present. and in this chapter we are becoming a future of hard disk. and our is aim only use of hard drive till the 80 years. 



Nearly hard disk takes 4 revolves per seconds. and it 4 revolve are base of maths. from whchi we ll’ solve this matter. and on it base, we ll’ invent the new systen into future computer. 


So 4 whirl per seconds of hard disk. 

1. 4 rotate x 60 seconds = 240 is equal to one minute. or it is number of one minute 


2. 240 rotate x 60 minute = 14400 is equal to one hour. or it is number of one hour 


3. 14400 rotate x 8 hours = 115200 is equal to one day. or you works 8 hours in day 


4. 115200 rotate x 22 days = 2534400 is equal to one month. and 22 days in month 


5. 2534400 rotate x 12 months = 30412800 is equal to one year. number of one year 


6. 30412800 rotate x 5 years = 152064000 is equal to five years. number of five year 


And nearly five years later our hard disk becomes very close of bad. or nearly hard disk finish the work in the five years. or five years later the hard disk responsibility is finished for work. But which way I am telling in this chapter. that you ll’ do use own hard disk 80 years easily. or you ll’ change only computer in life not own data hard drive. your hard drive ll’ be one till the 80 years.                 

water light for ever(1036)

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