the measurement of universe with the deuterium
If be seen to solar system from on centre of Milky-way. then will not some shown us. not only solar system the half Milky-way we cannot see from on centre of Milky-way. because of long distance. you knows very well. the distance do the small of things. and do the remove too. If I do the measurement of solar system into the one atom. then will happen it`s mean. The solar system is existing into the one atom. or easy way to understand it. one ordinary man can run seven kilometres per hour. and we shall say here. the energy of seven kilometres are existing into man. or seven kilometres distance is exist. If the atom keeps very vest energy into own. then we shall say the Universe is into the atom. or universe is equal to one atom.
Now a atom have four conditions. Light, Gases, Solid, Liquid, or a atom contains on four conditions. So four type distances are existing in the universe. The light distance, The Gases distance, The Solid distance. The Liquid distance.
The light mass is very less from the one Hydrogen atom into our universe. to which mass unit is 2.4. and inside the one light ray are exist the 2.4 Photons. and one Photon`s mass is .008. when the one light ray begins own journey from the sun. then one ray mass unit happens very large. like a 300 mass. because of heat. but after some distance the ray mass is begun small. and nearly 1.25 size is made up till the Earth. and it is that kind of light which travels. and these mass unit is contains on 2.4
photons. because when we shall multiplication of 300 mass with the one .008 photon mass. then one ray mass will be solved. 300 x .008 = 2.4 and this is accurate mass unit of one ray. because each distance of universe If you will divide with 2.4 ray and 60 minute. then will be solved the days of distance. or The Earth distance is 525600000000 meter. and after divid 525600000000 / 2.4 ray / 60 minute / 1000000 light speed / 10mm = 365 days of Earth. So light base is the photons. and a atom also contains on photons. So we shall say here. that the universe is existing into the light or atom.
The Hydrogen atom is smallest atom in our universe. and first hydrogen atom contains on one proton and inside the one proton are existing five photons. when the light is finished after the burn. The hydrogen is the first shape of light. but in different size. and by measurement that 1.25 mass unit is best. which belongs with earth. and Deuterium is the second Isotopes of Hydrogen. and in it`s whole measurement of universe. because this Deuterium belongs with Neutron. because The Universe = Neutron energy x light ray x proton. So it is our new chapter in which we shall solve the measurement of Universe with the Deuterium atom. if the measurement will happen into the Deuterium of universe then our this chapter will be solved.
One neutron always will happen in two condition. Solid and Liquid. because the Neutron is a energy. our solar system and 90 percent stars of universe are contain on Neutron. if you thought that our sun is the a star of hydrogen gases. then you are thinking wrong. because a hydrogen contains on proton. and proton means a electrical energy. and a proton cannot delete the light. but a proton can be shift in light. and a proton quickly
change own condition. because it is belongs with gases. which are finished quickly. but a neutron can not be finish. because the neutron other condition is melt. and melt condition equal to light. from this reasons the stars life happens very long. if you are doing compare of home light with the sun light. So I cannot say some here. because you are owner of own brain. you can think about everything with customized. even right and even wrong. So one neutron can delete the some neutron. but one proton cannot delete the neutron. but a proton may be shift in electrical magnetic light. and one neutron always deletes the positive light. that like a sun light.
Now we shall solve this matter with the Deuterium and the one light ray. and Deuterium happens one neutron and one proton. and one neutron is equal to 4.8 energy. and one proton is equal to 1.25 mass unit. and one ray is contain on 2.4 photons. and light speed measurement is 1000000 meter per seconds. and 100cm are equal to one meter.
Is 20820 light seconds and the light speed is 300000000 meter per seconds. for make the distance 20820 x 300000000 = 6246000000000 meters. So it is the total distance of ‘‘Jupiter’’ in the meters. Now this distance we shall solve with the one atom to which name is Deuterium.
6246000000000 / 4.8 one Neutron energy = 1301250000000 / 2.4 one light ray = 542187500000 / 1.25 one proton = 433750000000 / 1000000 / 100 = 4337.5 days of distance of ‘‘Jupiter’’.
Now why happened solve because the whole measurement of universe is into the atom. and I have accurate definition of atom which I am telling you in this chapter. So it is not the last law of the distance. I have two more law of distance. to which name is Triangle distance and the square distance. So I have solved one distance. to which name was time distance, and it is second law of distance. which is being solve with value of one atom and one ray.