Sikander aqeel


Jan 30th 2012, 10:12 pm
Posted by aqeelsika1


This 33 metals are very powerful into the uranus. because 90 percent Cross-Pton are working in it. and means of 90 Cross-Pton That metals are in the shape of Density light. So it was serial of 33 metals of uranus. who belongs with Density light. or we can say it`s that nearly last condition of RadioActive metals. where RadioActive metals are changed into Density light. 


About Importance. 

We can say to his the metals of Central core. because these types metals exists into the Central Core. or it metals makes central core of planet. because after from great pressure of outer layer of planet. that this Density light metals are heated from reason of great weight or great pressure. If planet size would be 

small. then it Density light metals breaks of planet in the pieces. or when you looks at the saturn. So sees you a circle of rocks around the saturn. Actually these rocks were moon of saturn in the past. But they were very small size. and the density light metal were exist into moon central core. from this reason. there moon were broken in pieces. 


Density lights metal 

some quantity is exist into earth central core. and Venus or Mercury center core are empty from density light metal. because the density light metal happens born from too much cold atmosphere of planet. and those both planets are cool. and 

was cool. but the earth is very away from sun. So the earth is very cool planet than the Mercury and Venus. So the uranus some metals belongs with density lights metals. to which serial name are ''Su(5066)Uranusium'' to ''Su(5033)Uranusium'' or total 33 metals belongs with density lights metals. Now a new serial is being start. to which details tell at last.  

water light for ever(1036)

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