Sikander aqeel


Jan 21st 2012, 5:04 am
Posted by aqeelsika1

 Metals`s Medical Doctorate & 

Can  not move mountains from their roots. the rocks sheets can not move into layer of earth. and trees roots can not also move. because, their system contains 99 percent on atom. and only one percent at the electrons. 


The human can move, or to move itself. and can move the all body of Human on the each side. like a right and left, forward or behind. and the birds and animal can also move each side like human. because the human, animal, and birds belongs with small 



atom in which electrons faster works than in mountains`s atom, big rocks, heavy metals. or in easy words, the hydrogen has one proton and one electron of his. So hydrogen faster element than in other atoms. So who` things can move that they contains 99 percent electron system. 


Now the tree do not move, but their shoots and leaves can moves. because roots`s atom heavy and large and shoots and leaves belongs with tiny atom. So where atom becomes 

small. that there electron becomes powerful for faster activity. 


The atom and life. 

but small atom`s happens very short life time. because the small atoms accepts of each effect. So from reason of each effect that small atoms`s becomes less life time. and who` way, I am telling that they will become powerful of tiny atom into body. 



You gives the three drops of polio of child in child hood. for keep safe from sickness of polio. So if you are thinking that from three drpos of polio. what the being finish sickness of polio from in world. then yours thought is totally wrong. or 100 percent wrong. 



The sickness of polio is being finish from electrical waves. who` are used in yours house daily. and not only polio, that many sickness being finish from worlds. If you wants compare So you can do it. you ll’ have to gather data of 1916 to 1917. 


and for compare 1919 to 1920 and only from one hospital about Average of sick people. So the electron of metals can prove very best for treatment of human body. because the electron is very 

small from our blood plasma.      

water light for ever(1036)

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