Sikander aqeel


Jan 19th 2012, 11:48 am
Posted by aqeelsika1

Machine of backBone 

A kind of battery, who` will gather electrical electron for supply of electron into the body. and this electron would be Special type. who` metals will make in exist battery. and it is first Special part of machine. and it machine will be used only in night. but wear it whole day. and this battery will be connected with adapter pin in the night for achieve of electron from electricity. and in after it battery will supply electron into the 


body. and this electron will become powerful of backbone and tubes of blood tubes of meat. this treatment will successive because who` electron body will achieve, that they would be genuine, than in water, food, and air. and after use it machine If METALS`S MEDICAL DOCTORATEyours age is 80 years, then also you can run fast like a healthy person. and if you will use it in the youth, then you never would be old. because the electrons base are protons. and protons are base of growth. So who` system stopped into your body. 


that they will again be started. So I am doing change yours structure through the Metals`s Medical Doctorate. and it is not last machine for treatment. I ll’ tell machine of each part of body. and the pain machine would be beat of all machines.      

water light for ever(1036)

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