Mike Beaumont

Wipe Out Cancers With Mustard

Jan 2nd 2012, 9:29 pm
Posted by mtbeau1955
Yes, you can wipe out cancers with mustard. Grandma’s advice from long ago is as true now as it was back in the old days. Adding vegetables to your daily nourishment cannot only help get rid of cancer, but other ailments such as heart disease and stroke. With the research being done today, it actually looks like it may actually cure illnesses as deadly as cervical and prostate cancer.
Cervical Cancer Prevention
Cervical cancer has been a long time plague of women everywhere, and modern medicine has done nothing of any consequence to make any advances in the treatment of this dreaded disease. But a recent study has shown that certain types of cervical cancers showed not only reversals but cures for it utilizing cancer-fighting substances from the Brassica vegetable family. These include Brussels sprouts, bok choy, cabbage, and broccoli, all members of the mustard family. The substances in these cancer fighting foods, namely isothiocyanates and indoles, help regulate the 2/16 hydroxyestrogen ratio, a proven predictor of all hormone related cancer (like breast and prostate). Essentially, a normal 2/16 ratio equals less cancer risk. The study incorporated a specific type of indole, called indole-3-carbinol (I3C) to eradicate a big portion of cervical cancers.
Let the Numbers Speak For Themselves
When it comes to cervical cancers, 95% or better can be directly related to infection with (HPV) human papilloma virus, which is also tied directly to lower 2/16 ratios. The study included 30 women with moderate to severe cancer that was directly related to HPV. Part of the study group used I3C, and part were given placebos. 50% of those that were given the I3C showed complete regression in a selection that was given 200 milligrams for 12 weeks, and 44% for those that were given 400 milligrams for 12 weeks. The placebo group showed no changes. On a side note, men who ate Brassica vegetables three times a week showed a 41% reduction in prostate cancer.
You Can Remain Cancer Free
Even though the study that was talked about above only lasted for a short time, you would probably be safe in assuming that that using the substances in Brassica vegetables will protect your health and system for a lifetime. Taking I3C regularly may well be what is needed to protect and prevent cervical and prostate cancer. It will help maintain your 2/16 ratio, and it is simple and inexpensive, and you can test it yourself from home with a kit that can be mailed in. in some states you don’t even need a doctors order to have the test done. So maybe grandma was right in making us eat our vegetables, so heed her advice before it is too late, and prevent outbreaks of this deadly disease before it ever happens. One thing to remember is that too much I3C can inhibit thyroid function, so don’t go overboard with eating your vegetables. A good intake level would be 3-4 servings a week for optimal nutrition. And don’t forget to exercise, take a high quality multivitamin, and other botanicals. You may cut your risk factor to zero, never needing to worry about cancer treatment at all. So stay on track with your health and wealth, and let’s meet each other on the beaches of the world.

vegetables(2), cancer(6), cervical cancer(1), stroke(2), heart disease(2), hormone(2)

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