Sikander aqeel


Jan 1st 2012, 9:42 pm
Posted by aqeelsika1

From moon of earth. Now you can go on the moon of earth. I have totally finished own research from the moon. It research was begin my Grandfather in 1920. and after my Grandfather it`s responsibility was take my father. But my father was gone on Alpha Centauri in 1970, for the forever. So the charge of research was in my hand from 1970. 

But I am also going on most big moon of Saturn for 22 years. because there are too much Daimonds. and the diamond is important metal for understand of rock universe. Although the most big moon of Saturn is too much away from earth. but I knows about a short cut. I shall daily come from which reason. but after 22 years I shall also be gone 

on Proxima Centauri. where my family doing my wait. So we are friends only 22 years, or, for 25 years. and yet our research are completed only 19 percent. perhaps it will take more 30 centuries. although it is very hard time for us. but we shall be do. because 

without complete own research we cannot go on our daimond Universe. where only burns some stars , and brights our whole daimond universe. I invites you in my diamond universe. which is most beautiful universe. and than from also yours rock Universe. So I have shifted whole household goods in the seventh moon of Saturn. If you want go with my. So welcome of whole friends.      


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